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✨ All About Me~


       I'm Lisa! This is my blog, and here is a bunch of stuff about me! 😊

🌸 - I'm 13, and I'm currently in 8th grade!

🌸 - I love dogs. Seriously, I have a major soft spot for doggos and I'm easily distracted by puppies.

🌸 - I am a major gamer. I loveusually poppingplay on my home computerPC, and playingI mainly play video games. I only really playgames with my dad and younger sister,sister. andSome of my favorite titles are Warframe and PSO2!

🌸 - my favorite color is pink, I love all things cute and pink!

🌸 - I'm definitely an introvert, I enjoy talking to people but I'm nervous when starting conversations or meeting new people, and I enjoy some alone time once in while

🌸 - I do art! I mainly draw fan art and puppies hehe

🌸 - I love collecting things, and I am guilty of hording stuff lol.

🌸 - my favorite genre would have to be sci-fi! 

🌸 - I'm a major nerd, I put lots of effort into school and always try to stay on top of my grades 🤓

🌸 - I like cheese 🧀 

🌸 - I'm a minorslight neat freakfreak, I always try to keep my areas neat and tidy.

🌸 - I love to shop, if I'm not playing video games on a weekend I'll be out shopping.

🌸 - I don't have a pet dog despite my love for dogs 🙁 Maybe one day when I'm a big adult-ish person I'll get one

🌸 - I'm not a morning person, definitely a night owlowl. I stay up wayyy too late 😩

🌸 - I also like to do crafty things! Despite art I sometimes sew!

and that's a bunch of stuff about me~
