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all about me!~πŸΎπŸŽ€

Β  Β  Β  Β hi~Β 

       I'm Lisa! This is my blog, and here is a bunch of stuff about me! 😊

🌸 - I'm 16, and I'm currently in 10th grade!
🌸 - my b-day is may 22!
🌸 - My close family consists of my younger sister and my dad. My younger sister is a goofball named Emily, and my dad is a tech nerd. He also has his own site, and is the reason mine exists (thank you dad) πŸ˜„
🌸 - I'm definitely an introvert, I enjoy talking to people but I'm nervous when starting conversations or meeting new people, I have a hard time making eye contact, and I enjoy some alone time once in while
🌸 - I'm super awkward πŸ˜…Β 
🌸 - I'm a bit of a softie, I always try my best to be sweet and kind.
🌸 - my friends make me super happy! just seeing them makes me smile! 
🌸 - I love dogs. Seriously, I have a major soft spot for doggos and I'm easily distracted by puppies.
🌸 - I am a major gamer. I usually play on my PC, and I mainly play video games with my dad and younger sister. Some of my favorite titles are Warframe and PSO2!
🌸 - my favorite genre would have to be sci-fi! fantasy can come in at 2nd. I also love chick flicks and anything girly!
🌸 - Despite video games though, I also love binge watching shows. I have too many favorites and some of them are Scissor Seven, Futurama, Star Trek: Lower Decks, Disenchantment, Dogs In Space, Space Dandy, Final Space, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, and I could really go on but won't. I guess a common theme in the shows I watch either include sci-fi, humor, or quirky characters. 
🌸 - my favorite color is pink, I love all things cute and pink! I'm a major girly-girl.
🌸 - I do art! I mainly draw fan art and puppies hehe
🌸 - I also like to do crafty things! Despite art I sometimes sew!
🌸 - I love collecting things, and I am guilty of hording stuff lol. My favorite things to collect are toys/figures and plushies!!
🌸 - I still collect stuffed animals, I've always loved plushies since I was like 5. When I was younger it was mainly Beanie Boos, now it's Pound Puppies
🌸 - I'm a major nerd, I put lots of effort into school and always try to stay on top of my grades πŸ€“ my favorite school topics are art and English literature! I'm pretty good at math too!
🌸 - I like writing! I've always enjoyed creative writing, and my handwriting is really neat.
🌸 - I prefer sweet foods over savory ones, but I do like both. Some of my favorite foods are mac and cheese and brownies.
🌸 - I like cheese πŸ§€ my favorite of the cheeses might have to be Munster, mozzarella is good too.
🌸 - my favorite beverages are coffee (I can only drink it super sweet though lol), pink lemonade, water, and sprite
🌸 - I'm a slight neat freak, I always try to keep my areas neat and tidy.
🌸 - I love to shop, if I'm not playing video games on a weekend I'll be out shopping (I absolutely love thrifting, mall shopping is great too though)
🌸 - I tend to worry a lot, and I over think things wayyy to often
🌸 - I don't have a pet dog despite my love for dogs, I'm hoping to get one someday though
🌸 - I'm not a morning person, definitely a night owl. I stay up wayyy too late. sometimes its cause of school, sometimes its cause I'm not tired and don't want to go to bed.

and that's a bunch of stuff about me~

me hehe

have a nice day!-