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old comics n' things...

I found some old comics I made on Krita from when I was probably 5...

Why not today we take a look at them and see what's up?


lisa got hurt and cried png ver.png

COMIC #1: Lisa got hurt and cried

The first comic I have is titled "lisa got hurt and cried". First of all, lets just admire the colors. They're all so washed out and... green 🤣. I don't know why everyone has green hair. I think it was supposed to be brown but I had no idea how to set aesthetic colors. Basically, in this comic, by some un-drawn means I get a cut, my mom gives me a band-aid, and then I say "yay". I don't know why 5 year old me thought this was amusing, and why in the second panel I am bleeding so much... ITS JUST A CUT WHY IS THERE SO MUCH BLOOD! 😳 In short, 5 year old Lisa used weird colors and was kinda edgy...





the show should go on png ver.png

COMIC #2: The show should go on

The next comic is titled "the show should go on". I love how "should" is used instead of "must" or "needs", which implies that the show going on is only a suggestion and not a demand. Next, it appears my colors are a lot more pleasing. They're not great but its an improvement. Unlike last comic where I could make out the events in each panel, this one I'm lost on. In panel one, I have a guitar. Next thing you know, in panel two I'm sad. I don't know why I liked drawing comics about tormenting myself but I guess it was a thing. Panel 3 I'm still sad but now I have a harp. I love how comic Lisa could play all these instruments but present Lisa can't play a single instrument 😅.  Panel 4 I'm talking to some lady with a turd for hair. Now for my favorite panel, panel 5. WHAT THE BUTT IS HAPPENING HERE?!?!? 1) why is there so much blood, 2) who is the kid in the yellow-green and, 3) do they have a knife? WHY IS SOME KID MURDERING ME?!?! I WAS 5 WHEN I DID THIS WHYYY WAS THERE SO MUCH BLOOD!?!?! I'm now 13 and my art now isn't even this bloody smh 😒. The comic then comes to an joyful end though with who I believe is me happily playing guitar on stage after being BURDELYHORRIBLY MURDERED BY A CRAZY KID! I love how there was no explanation, just a traumatic stabbing and then "oh wow the show's back on". Also, I now realize, most of the comic is just me being sad... and does not explain/pertain to the show. 😑





im scared at the play actual png verkra.png

COMIC #3: I'm scared at the play.

It's odd how most of the comics I made where about me being scared/tormented by plays and shows, when in reality I did not do any plays/performances till at least 4-5th grade. 4th grade doesn't really count though since I was a background character. I think I'm still afraid of performances, it's just that I'm no longer being afraid of crazy kids with knifes, and instead it's just stage fright + being an introverted butthead. Last performance I performed in was probably a 6th grade chorus event, and even that wasn't too bad (no worries nobody tried to kill me). Any way'sAnyway, the comic 😅. I don't know what to say about this one, and due to the fact that there is no blood or traumatic events, therefore it's kinda boring. I think this one came before comic 2 since we have those weird gross, diarrhea colors again. Basically, like the last comic something happens, I'm sad, and I can play guitar.



Well, that's all for my comics. Younger Lisa had a obsession with writing about bloody performances, and had no idea how to use colors. I'm seriously afraid of the things that went through Younger Lisa's head, and it would be better if I continued to not know. I also now have no idea how I made any friends in elementary school 😅


that's all for now... 😳